Friday, September 26, 2014

No matter what happens in you life; 
Always keep your eyes on the Christ,
who is not only the Savior;
But the express image of the Father of Light.

by K. Michael
God has spoken words over your life that will come to pass like the heavens and earth came to pass by His words, if you remain faithful!

by K. Michael

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, 
Let the steps that I take today be the 
steps of a righteous woman.  

by K. Michael
The spirit of lust is like the spirit of alcohol, 
it makes everything look beautiful because it 
is a snare of destruction of the Devil to you.

by K. Michael

Friday, September 19, 2014

Your enemies might be too strong for you;
But they are not too strong for your God who 
has the power to shoot out lightnings and disable them!

K. Michael

Thank God for your critics.
They make God make you better.

K. Michael

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lord Jesus, 
Thank you for your peace when I'm afraid,
Your peace when I am troubled,
And Your peace when I am being persecuted.

by K. Michael.