Thursday, October 3, 2019

Give God your best!
He deserves nothing less!

K. Michael
It doesn't matter how great,
It doesn't matter how tall,
It doesn't matter how many your enemies,
God is able to defeat them all 
and give you total victory!

K. Michael
Remember God's commandments in the midst of persecution and during times of tribulation.  Psalm 119

K. Michael
The enemy that is pursuing your soul will soon be called away by a messenger to bad news.   
I Sam. 23:27

K. Michael
Everybody doing evil 
does not make evil right.

K. Michael
The Holy Spirit is like a mother who guides her children every day and keeps them always walking on the strait and narrow way.

K. Michael
Some people make up sad stories for fame on social media and receive condemnation, but some people truthfully lift up the Lord's holy name and receive His holy praise.

K. Michael

Matthew 8:10 King James Version

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, ...