Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When conscience is dead, so is love and the fear of the Lord.   Awake conscience.  Awake Love.  Awake Fear of the Lord.   

by K. Michael 

O give praise to the Lord who corrects you, reproves you, rebukes you, and leads you to the light.   

by K. Michael

#light   #Lord 
The love of this world will cause you to depart from the faith.  Stop loving the world. Stop departing from the faith.    2 Tim 4:10

by K. Michael

#love   #world 
Do not be numbered among those who come to Jesus for counsel and do not take the advice.  Listen to Him and be wise.   

by K. Michael

Father, I will praise you while I have breath, 
while I have hope, 
and while I am not in the grave.

by K. Michael

Parents, teach your children not to love money because the love of money leads to stealing, killing, betrayal of God and many many more heinous crimes.   

by K. Michael

Find friends who do not only want you for your goods; but want your good.   

by K. Michael


Matthew 8:10 King James Version

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, ...