Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Words can purify and make you clean
or words can defile and corrupt.  Therefore, choose them carefully. You will eat the fruits thereof.  

John 15:3

by K. Michael
Circumcision of the flesh does not save a soul; but circumcision of the heart through faith in Jesus, the Christ, that saves a soul.

Acts 15

by K. Michael
Bless! each time you remember the bad things that people have done to you.
For this is right in the eyes of the Lord.

by K. Michael
Where there is no vision
there is no law.
And where there is no vision
the people perish.

Proverbs 29

by K. Michael
When faith grows exceedingly,
so does charity towards others.
Therefore, grow in faith. 
Grow in charity towards others.  

2 Thess. 1:3
Every true child of God
should live her life looking
forward to the return of Christ
every day.  Therefore, watch and pray always.

by K. Michael
People come 
and people go
but Jesus is a friend
who never ends.
Make Him your friend today.

by K. Michael