Friday, March 29, 2019

Get the joy of the Lord,
Get strength.
Get the joy of the Lord,
get good health.  

by K. Michael
When a woman is born again
her heart is changed, and she 
serves the law of God with her mind.  

by K. Michael
When I remember that Jesus loves me,
Oh what joy fills my heart and soul.

by K. Michael
Doing well is something that we learn;
Not something that we earn.

Isaiah 1:17

by K. Michael
The unbelief of others
will not stop you from
receiving your miracle today.
Therefore receive it now, 
in the name of Jesus, my sister I pray.  

by K. Michael
God will meet your needs 
in a mysterious way today.  
Do not worry.  Be ye happy.  

by K. Michael

Friday, February 22, 2019

I bless you with good mental health,
I bless you with joy,
I bless you with peace of mind,
I bless you with strength in the name of Jesus.

by K. Michael