Thursday, September 15, 2016

To live in doubt is to say that "God cannot."
Stop living in doubt and live in faith.

by K. Michael

Monday, August 29, 2016

Grace gives us everything we need;
to do everything that pleases God.
Have the grace of God in your heart
today and please Him.  

by K. Michael
Never minister to please men.
Always minister to please God.
Men-pleasers will have their part
in the Lake of Fire.

K. Michael
Reading the word of God 
is necessary for growth;
Therefore read the word of God;
and grow, grow, grow.

by K. Michael
Remember, when facing contradictions;
that the battle is the Lord's 
and not yours; and cheer up;
because Jesus has conquered the world.

by K. Michael

Friday, August 5, 2016

When trouble comes
bite your tongue.  
Don't blame God foolishly,
nor judge others foolishly.
Job 1:22

By K. Michael
Those who love the truth
will come to the truth, 
and walk in the truth.
Come to the truth.

by K. Michael