Friday, June 17, 2016

Pray for your sisters in bondage,
that they may be healed.  The 
effectual fervent prayer of the righteous,
achieves a lot.   

by K. Michael
People who fear the Lord,
are God-conscious in everything
they do.

by K. Michael
Grace is given for obedience to the faith.

Romans 1:5

by K. Michael

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Lord does not take pleasure in the daughter,
who hopes in His mercy ONLY; 
but He delights in the daughter who both fears Him and hopes in His mercy.

Psalm 147:10

K. Michael
The foundation of good works is righteousness,
and when unrighteousness is the foundation of a good work.  Then a good work is no longer a good work. 

by  K. Michael
As a cow produces milk;
So, faith produces hope.

Hebrew 11:1

by K. Michael

Friday, May 20, 2016

Scorners walk in proud wrath.
Scorners are contentious.
They create reproach and strife and are used to make the simple wise. Don't be a scorner.  Don't be used by God to make the simple wise. 

K. Michael