Thursday, June 27, 2019

Like a tree uprooted and cast away, 
So the Lord will uproot and cast away the wicked from your life.   

by K. Michael
Obey the voice of God from your youth, and then it will be much easier to obey His voice when you are grown. Jer. 22:21

by K. Michael
Go through the little fire God puts you through on earth in order to escape the fire that never dies hereafter. 

by K. Michael
Do not let the faces of people intimidate you.  Speak the word of the Lord because He is there to deliver you.   
Jer 1:8

by K. Michael
All those who remove God's name from their churches will have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life.  

by K. Michael
Reject the evil others are doing by not finding pleasure in it.   Jer.1.8

by K. Michael
There is healing for the backslider.  Therefore, return and let God heal you today. 

by K. Michael 
You want to have strong confidence?  Have it in the fear of the Lord.  That's the best confidence to have.  Prov. 14:26

by K. Michael
Rejecting the word of God leads to shame.  Do not be a rejecter of the word of the Lord.  Be an acceptor.    Jer 8:9

by K. Michael

Matthew 8:10 King James Version

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, ...