Friday, November 11, 2016

To walk in the fear of the Lord
is to give God your best.

Genesis 4

by K. Michael
Grace saves you and equips you
for Christian success.  Give your 
life to the Lord Jesus and let His
grace help you.  

by K. Michael
Change the evil thoughts in your heart.
Change your words, 
Change your acts, 
Change your life!

Mark 7:15

by K. Michael

You were made to be God's praise.
You were not made to be a vagabond
in the earth.  Come back to the Father.
Stop being a wanderer in the earth.

by K. Michael

Genesis 4
Hear the voice of wisdom today.  
Let her direct you.  
Do whatever she says.  

by K. Michael
The path of light leads to your purpose: but the way of darkness blinds you.  Choose the way of light today.  

by K. Michael

Matthew 8:10 King James Version

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, ...